e enjte, 26 korrik 2007


when the speaker, Arundhati, however well-intentioned, can say something like "free markets undermine democracy" and that "soviet style communism failed not because it was intrinsically evil" i have to shake my fist at her intellectual dishonesty and/or her blatant disregard of the facts and only conclude that she is a) benevolent and ignorant or b) malevolent and brilliant.

please tell me how "free markets undermine democracy?" how does being able to own your own land and run your own business and keep your own earnings undermine civil liberties? someone explain to me how the WTO and IMF are examples of "free trade"? should i list all the rules and regulations for imports, exports, etc.?

what we have here is an example of a state-managed market, where people have to ask permission from the state to do just about everything--whether it be to own their own land, keep their own earnings, start their own businesses--yes, even to trade. and, of course, the state isn't usually so keen on respecting the "small guy" because it doesn't reap in enough income and lobbying power for it to squander on its murderous imperial pursuits--so, of course, only the giant corporations survive.

the solution is to *free* the market and the people, free the entrepreneurial human spirit and creativity and charity on the private level, not strengthen the coercive powers of the state (remember, the soviets only wanted to make their economy more "fair") .

the problem isn't "nationalism" or "free markets." the problem is the ideology of collectivism--the idea that the group is more important than the individual, that the group has rights and claims the individual does not, so that it is quite alright to vote away the rights and property of the minority, it is noble, in fact, to sacrifice the few, through wars or "progressive" taxation or whatever, as long as it makes life better for the majority. it is *democracy* in the purest sense that undermines a free market, where *individual* rights are not constitutionally guaranteed. nationalism, simply put, is an ugly form of collectivism, as is racism. the ideology that "we" is more important than "me" is just as dangerous as the ideology that it is *all* about me, me, me.

if you can't clearly diagnose the problem, you will not be able to offer a solution. please read my article on "corporatism vs. capitalism" (http://thereconstitutionrevolution.blogspot.com/2007/07/globalization-is-good.html) and try to understand what is really going on here, folks. this kind of propaganda is put out in order to lure you into agitating for more government controls and consolidation and bureaucracies, more transferring of national sovereignty to global organizations like the WTO and the U.N., so that the CFR/trilateral commission folks can put their people in at the top and continue running the show.

if you want to weaken those corporations and weaken the state, you need to free the market and restore the inalienable rights guaranteed by our constitution and our republic so that we the people can do our part in improving the miserable lot of humanity ourselves.


don't let this kindly sounding socialism distract you from the rottenness at its core. true socialism exists only in the free market, where labor and wealth is organized and distributed voluntarily without state coercion. don't replace the tyranny of the minority with the tyranny of the majority. fascism is likely to result either way.

in the end, it is the *state* that will exterminate the human species, not the "free market."

what a ridiculous farce!


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